Laboratory of Bacterial Gene Regulation


Emerging infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance are seriously challenging the healthcare systems and threatening our society. To deal with this problem, the World Health Organization recommends a steady development of new antibiotics and alternative strategies such as immuno-therapeutics and new-generation vaccines. In order to achieve such objectives, it is mandatory the identification of new potential targets for the design of specific antimicrobials and/or anti-virulence compounds.

Post-transcriptional regulation in bacteria has recently emerged as an essential layer to tightly control the expression of genes involved in bacterial growth, biofilm formation, pathogenesis and antimicrobial resistance. Our laboratory is focused on the identification and characterization of novel RNA molecules and RNA-binding proteins participating in the post-transcriptional regulation of such relevant biological processes. We investigated on Staphylococcus aureus, a bacterial model that is considered one of the most important pathogens worldwide. Understanding the molecular mechanisms involving regulatory RNAs and RNA-binding proteins would mean an excellent opportunity for the emergence of potential targets that would help fighting against pathogens.

Team Members

Dr. Alejandro Toledo-Arana – Group Leader

Dr. Arancha Catalán-Moreno – Post-doctoral researcher

Dr. Pedro Dorado Morales – Post-doctoral researcher

Ane Muruzabal Galarza – PhD student

Former members

Pilar Menéndez-Gil – ERC PhD Student

Dr. Pilar Bustos Sanmamed – ERC Post-doctoral researcher

Dr. Marta Cela – ERC Post-doctoral researcher

Dr. Laurène Bastet – ERC Post-doctoral researcher

Naiara Irurzun – ERC Research assistant

Sergio  Cuesta Ferre – ERC Research assistant

Carlos J. Caballero – UPNA PhD student/Post-doctoral researcher

Leticia Matilla Cuenca – Programme Garantía Juvenil

Laura Prado – Programme Garantía Juvenil

Latest Projects

PID 2019 – Identificación y caracterización funcional de las miniproteinas de staphilococcus aureus.

– Organismo financiador: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades.
– Investigador Principal: Alejandro Toledo.
– Duración: 2020-2023.
– Presupuesto: 140.000 €.

Proyectos colaborativos 2020 – MICROPROGEN – Microbiota y metapeptidómica comparativa en la etiología del Síndrome de Intestino Irritable.

– Organismo financiador: Gobierno de Navarra.
– Investigador Principal: Jaione Valle.
– Duración: 2020-2022.
– Presupuesto: 115.301,9 €.

I+D 2020 – BIOINSECTIS – Desarrollo de nuevos bioinsecticidas basados en Bacillus thuringiensis BT para el control del mosquito tigre y optimización de la producción de toxinas.

Esta empresa ha recibido una ayuda cofinanciada al 50% por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional a través del Programa Operativo FEDER 20214-2020 de Navarra.

Proyecto financiado por el Gobierno de Navarra y por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER).

– Investigador Principal: Alejandro Toledo.
– Duración: 2020-2022.
– Presupuesto: 124.479,78 €.

ERC Consolidator Grant: High-throughput in vivo studies on post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms mediated by bacterial 3´-UTRs 

– Investigador Principal: Alejandro Toledo-Arana.
– Duración: 2015-2020.


Alejandro Toledo-Arana


Av. Pamplona, 123

31192 Mutilva Baja, Navarra